Painting + Textile Collages 2011-13

6059 to light a candle
“to light a candle…” tribute to El Greco
hommage à El Greco
80 x 100 cm
2013, picture No. 6059
acrylic + textile collage on canvas
intra et extra
Perspicientia – intra et extra
215 x 207 cm
2012, picture No. 6048
textile collage, acrylic painting on raw canvas, hanging freely
6066 100x80
red & black
80 x 100 cm
2013, picture No. 6065
textile collage, acrylic painting on canvas
G12 001
red & blue
100 x 100 cm
2012, picture No. 6058 (G12-001)
textil collage, acrylic painting on canvas
die Zeichnung u d Hund 900
The drawing
the dog, the green bear and the girl
215 x 123 cm
2013, picture No. 6049
acrylic painting, raw canvas, hanging freely
circle jumping 700
circle-jumping theory
215×168 cm
2011, picture No. 6047
textile collage, acrylic painting on raw canvas, hanging freely
circle j kopf frg
fragments 6047
no help 700
“liberata est” or “no help please”
215×176 cm
2011, picture No. 6046
textile collage, acrylic painting on raw canvas, hanging freely
no h Gesicht fr
fragments 6046
no h Handst fr
fragments 6046
circle j hand frg
fragments 6046
Eva Lilith Adam 700
Eva-Lilith & Adam 
215×180 cm
2011, picture No. 6045
textile collage, acrylic painting, indian ink on raw canvas, hanging freely
Mary Ann Jonathan 700
Tangles Terram
Touching the Earth
215×180 cm
2011, picture No. 6044
textile collage, acrylic painting, Indian ink on raw canvas, hanging freely
Eva 700
215×190 cm
2011, picture No. 6042
textile collage, acrylic painting, indian ink on raw canvas, hanging freely